Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Word of God: How to Grow in God

"So that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God” - Colossians 1:10

"Put what you know into action! I wish so badly that someone had given me practical ways to walk out and apply what I have been taught my whole life. Take the Bible as the actual words from God’s very own lips for my heart, to seek God for myself, and how to study the Bible.

Take the Word of God and read it every single day for three weeks. Every morning, focus specifically on one verse, then pray and ask God to give you revelations of who He is. The Word says that you have not because you ask not (James 4:2). So ask! Ask Him for crazy things, ask Him for spiritual gifts, ask Him what He wants you to do and say today. Then, be still. Listen for the words He speaks. Ask Him to guide you specifically by His word. He will speak to you. It’s just a matter of being quiet enough to hear Him and applying what He says and walking it out in faith, knowing that you’re the righteousness of God by His grace. Don’t be afraid that you’re hearing wrong or are going to mess up. You don’t expect a newborn baby to walk. Likewise, God doesn’t expect you to be perfect or right all the time.

Take those steps of faith, and God will use you and do so much more in your life than you’d even imagine.

Ask. That's the challenge today. Simply ask Him. Ask our Heavenly Father for good gifts according to His Biblical truth and He will not hold back! Check out Matthew 7:11 today."

(Note: This is not my work. This is the Passion Pursuit. I am simply making it available to any reader as well.)

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