"For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." - Ephesians 2:10
In looking at Ephesians 2:10, we learn that the gifts and callings of God have been prepared for us to do. The gifts and callings of God are irrevocable. In other words, there is an important, unchanging aspect of your life’s assignment for which God has both gifted and called you. He doesn’t change it or revoke it along the way of your life. The way in which you fulfill your calling or the circumstances or vehicle through which you express it may change several times, but the calling itself remains constant.
So what does this mean as we ponder what sphere of influence we are called to? How do we know this “calling”? As we look at the various areas of society in which culture has influenced (family, business, education, religion, media, government and entertainment), we become more aware that the world needs believers in each of the cultural areas who know why they are there and what God has called them to do.
When you consider the issues in the world, what burdens your heart? Is it laws, economics, hurting families, education, media, etc? Most certainly, there is a spark of interest or concern you have. Through prayer, our calling is made clear to us. Once we find ourselves thinking about and interested in an issue or subject, we explore this area more deeply and often, it is revealed to our hearts that we need to take action in that area.
Let’s consider a person directed by God to a career in business. Perhaps this person is not pastoral, yet he/she is gifted to create wealth, to build the kingdom of God. Of course he/she seeks to honor God and advance in business, but his/her primary emphasis is different. With proper clarity of calling he/she can be successful in his/her sphere and gifting while taking action in a purposeful life for Christ.
An insightful example is the life of William Wilberforce. He carried a burden for the issue of slavery in his heart and mind. He struggled for a time on how to live out this calling; to go into full time ministry or to enter the sphere of government and politics. One thing was certain; he knew he was stirred by God to plead the case of those oppressed by this injustice. As we know, Wilberforce chose government to pursue the fulfillment of his calling, which served as the tool through which he lived his life calling. He first had a burden in his soul for the injustice of slavery, and then he understood God’s assignment for his life and headed in the direction in which he could fulfill his calling. Without Wilberforce’s relentless pursuit and dedication to outlaw the injustice of slavery, the end of the slave trade in England might never have been established.
It is those who identify and understand their gifts and callings who have a spirit of persistence to run their divine race that influence and shape the world!
So for each of us, understanding the matter of God’s call upon our lives is paramount. As we follow Jesus in obedience to the Word and listen in prayer, the direction will become evident. Often, others will see how the Lord uses our lives and encourages us.
No matter what sphere of influence we are in, we have the assurance that by operating in our God-given gifts, the fruit of our lives will yield a harvest. Living our calling will most assuredly enlarge the Kingdom and bring satisfaction to our souls.
~ Written by Tonjua Shepherd, an Honor Academy Staff Member
What stirs your heart? What draws you that others are not particularly interested in? Bring this to the Lord and ask Him if He would use this in your life to make His Name great!
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